You Are Invited to Join Us in Helping Public Speakers Build Profitable Speaking Businesses!

Apply to be our next guest on The Spotlight on Speaking Show – simply send an email to and tell me a bit about yourself. Please put “Spotlight on Speaking Guest Request” into the subject line.

You Are Invited to Join Us in Helping Public Speakers Build Profitable Speaking Businesses!

Interested in being a guest on The Spotlight on Speaking Show? I’m looking for speakers willing to share their speaking journey, tips for success and mistakes to avoid. Simply send an email to and tell me a bit about yourself. Put “Spotlight on Speaking Guest Request” in the subject line please.

I would like to have folks like you among the guests we interview and feature.

The Spotlight on Speaking Show reveals the keys to building a profitable speaking business.

Each week we interview a great guest, like you, who shares your speaking journey, identifies what your keys to success have been, and highlights some critical mistakes you’ve made along the way that you encourage others to avoid.

Whether our listeners are interested in speaking as a career or as a key marketing channel, we show them everything they need to know to be successful.

Bret Ridgway
Host, The Spotlight on Speaking Show